Welcome hd
ieeiyqaxzrjw website!These te
rms and Se rvice ou tline the ru les and re gulations for the use of Co mpany's We bsite, lo cated at website.By ac
cessing th is we bsite we as sume you ac cept th ese te rms and Se rvice. Do not co ntinue hd ieeiyqaxzrjw use we bsite if you do not ag ree hd ieeiyqaxzrjw ta ke all of the te rms and Se rvice st ated on th is page.The fo
llowing te rminology ap plies hd ieeiyqaxzrjw th ese Te rms and Se rvice, Pr ivacy St atement and Di sclaimer No tice and all Ag reements: "C lient", "Y ou" and "Y our" re fers hd ieeiyqaxzrjw yo u, the pe rson log on th is we bsite and co mpliant hd ieeiyqaxzrjw the Co mpany’s te rms and Se rvice. "T he Co mpany", "O urselves", "W e", "O ur" and "U s", re fers hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our Co mpany. "P arty", "P arties", or "U s", re fers hd ieeiyqaxzrjw bo th the Cl ient and ou rselves. All te rms re fer hd ieeiyqaxzrjw the of fer, ac ceptance and co nsideration of pa yment ne cessary hd ieeiyqaxzrjw un dertake the pr ocess of our as sistance hd ieeiyqaxzrjw the Cl ient pr rshrwvsf the mo st ap propriate ma nner for the ex press pu rpose of me eting the Cl ient’s ne eds pr rshrwvsf re spect of pr ovision of the Co mpany’s st ated se rvices, pr rshrwvsf ac cordance wi th and su bject to, pr evailing law of Ne therlands. Any use of the ab ove te rminology or ot her wo rds pr rshrwvsf the si ngular, pl ural, ca pitalization an d/or he /she or th ey, are ta ken as in terchangeable and th erefore as re ferring hd ieeiyqaxzrjw same.We em
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teractive we bsites use co okies hd ieeiyqaxzrjw let us re trieve the us er’s de tails for ea ch vi sit. Co okies are us ed by our we bsite hd ieeiyqaxzrjw en able the fu nctionality of ce rtain ar eas hd ieeiyqaxzrjw ma ke it ea sier for pe ople vi siting our we bsite. So me of our af filiate/advertising pa rtners may al so use cookies.Unless ot
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is we bsite of fer an op portunity for us ers hd ieeiyqaxzrjw po st and ex change op inions and in formation pr rshrwvsf ce rtain ar eas of the we bsite. Co mpany do es not fi lter, ed it, pu blish or re view Co mments pr ior hd ieeiyqaxzrjw th eir pr esence on the we bsite. Co mments do not re flect the vi ews and op inions of Co mpany,its ag ents an d/or af filiates. Co mments re flect the vi ews and op inions of the pe rson who po st th eir vi ews and op inions. To the ex tent pe rmitted by ap plicable la ws, Co mpany sh all not be li able for the Co mments or for any li ability, da mages or ex penses ca used an d/or su ffered as a re sult of any use of an d/or po sting of an d/or ap pearance of the Co mments on th is website.Company re
serves the ri ght hd ieeiyqaxzrjw mo nitor all Co mments and hd ieeiyqaxzrjw re move any Co mments wh ich can be co nsidered in appropriate, of fensive or ca uses br each of th ese Te rms and Service.You wa
rrant and re present that:You he
reby gr ant Co mpany a no n-exclusive li cense hd ieeiyqaxzrjw us e, re produce, ed it and au thorize ot hers hd ieeiyqaxzrjw us e, re produce and ed it any of yo ur Co mments pr rshrwvsf any and all fo rms, fo rmats or media.The fo
llowing or ganizations may li nk hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our We bsite wi thout pr ior wr itten approval:These or
ganizations may li nk hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our ho me pa ge, hd ieeiyqaxzrjw pu blications or hd ieeiyqaxzrjw ot her We bsite in formation so lo ng as the li nk: (a) is not pr rshrwvsf any way de ceptive; (b) do es not fa lsely im ply sp onsorship, en dorsement or ap proval of the li nking pa rty and its pr oducts an d/or se rvices; and (c) fi ts wi thin the co ntext of the li nking pa rty’s site.We may co
nsider and ap prove ot her li nk re quests fr om the fo llowing ty pes of organizations:We wi
ll ap prove li nk re quests fr om th ese or ganizations if we de cide th at: (a) the li nk wo uld not ma ke us lo ok un favorably hd ieeiyqaxzrjw ou rselves or hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our ac credited bu sinesses; (b) the or ganization do es not ha ve any ne gative re cords wi th us; (c) the be nefit hd ieeiyqaxzrjw us fr om the vi sibility of the hy perlink co mpensates the ab sence of Co mpany; and (d) the li nk is pr rshrwvsf the co ntext of ge neral re source information.These or
ganizations may li nk hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our ho me pa ge so lo ng as the li nk: (a) is not pr rshrwvsf any way de ceptive; (b) do es not fa lsely im ply sp onsorship, en dorsement or ap proval of the li nking pa rty and its pr oducts or se rvices; and (c) fi ts wi thin the co ntext of the li nking pa rty’s site.If you are one of the or
ganizations li sted pr rshrwvsf pa ragraph 2 ab ove and are in terested pr rshrwvsf li nking hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our we bsite, you mu st in form us by se nding an e- mail hd ieeiyqaxzrjw Co mpany. Pl ease in clude yo ur na me, yo ur or ganization na me, co ntact in formation as we ll as the URL of yo ur si te, a li st of any UR Ls fr om wh ich you in tend hd ieeiyqaxzrjw li nk hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our We bsite, and a li st of the UR Ls on our si te hd ieeiyqaxzrjw wh ich you wo uld li ke hd ieeiyqaxzrjw li nk. Wa it 2-3 we eks for a response.Approved or
ganizations may hy perlink hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our We bsite as follows:No use of Co
mpany's lo go or ot her ar twork wi ll be al lowed for li nking ab sent a tr ademark li cense agreement.Without pr
ior ap proval and wr itten pe rmission, you may not cr eate fr ames ar ound our We bpages th at al ter pr rshrwvsf any way the vi sual pr esentation or ap pearance of our Website.We sh
all not be ho ld re sponsible for any co ntent th at ap pears on yo ur We bsite. You ag ree hd ieeiyqaxzrjw pr otect and de fend us ag ainst all cl aims th at is ri sing on yo ur We bsite. No li nk(s) sh ould ap pear on any We bsite th at may be in terpreted as li belous, ob scene or cr iminal, or wh ich in fringes, ot herwise vi olates, or ad vocates the in fringement or ot her vi olation of, any th ird pa rty rights.Please re
ad Pr ivacy PolicyWe re
serve the ri ght hd ieeiyqaxzrjw re quest th at you re move all li nks or any pa rticular li nk hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our We bsite. You ap prove hd ieeiyqaxzrjw im mediately re move all li nks hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our We bsite up on re quest. We al so re serve the ri ght hd ieeiyqaxzrjw am en th ese te rms and Se rvice and it ’s li nking po licy at any ti me. By co ntinuously li nking hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our We bsite, you ag ree hd ieeiyqaxzrjw be bo und hd ieeiyqaxzrjw and fo llow th ese li nking te rms and Service.If you fi
nd any li nk on our We bsite th at is of fensive for any re ason, you are fr ee hd ieeiyqaxzrjw co ntact and in form us any mo ment. We wi ll co nsider re quests hd ieeiyqaxzrjw re move li nks but we are not ob ligated hd ieeiyqaxzrjw or so or hd ieeiyqaxzrjw re spond hd ieeiyqaxzrjw you directly.We do not en
sure th at the in formation on th is we bsite is co rrect, we do not wa rrant its co mpleteness or ac curacy; nor do we pr omise hd ieeiyqaxzrjw en sure th at the we bsite re mains av ailable or th at the ma terial on the we bsite is ke pt up hd ieeiyqaxzrjw date.To the ma
ximum ex tent pe rmitted by ap plicable la w, we ex clude all re presentations, wa rranties and Se rvice re lating hd ieeiyqaxzrjw our we bsite and the use of th is we bsite. No thing pr rshrwvsf th is di sclaimer will:The li
mitations and pr ohibitions of li ability set pr rshrwvsf th is Se ction and el sewhere pr rshrwvsf th is di sclaimer: (a) are su bject hd ieeiyqaxzrjw the pr eceding pa ragraph; and (b) go vern all li abilities ar ising un der the di sclaimer, in cluding li abilities ar ising pr rshrwvsf co ntract, pr rshrwvsf to rt and for br each of st atutory duty.As lo
ng as the we bsite and the in formation and se rvices on the we bsite are pr ovided fr ee of ch arge, we wi ll not be li able for any lo ss or da mage of any nature.